Songbird Multimedia Player
2006-11-08 06:27
Recommended, especially if you think Apple is just as evil as Microsoft.
I'm using version 0.2 Developer Preview regularly, and am happy with it. Reasonably stable. I don't need much, just an MP3 player, but I like the iTunes interface. With Songbird, I get the same interface, and other features if I want them. The mini-player is better than iTunes.
If you try it, you'll notice it doesn't have the Genres panel. I filter by genre quite a bit, and found this can be added very simply by editing a particular file. Here are my notes:
Add "genre" to the array in the following function, as shown.
The function is in
Program Files/Songbird/chrome/songbird.jar (open using Winzip)
function LocalLoad()
// Default values, in case we get confused
var table = "library";
var guid = "songbird";
var data = SBDataGetStringValue( "browser.uri" );
// Cook the table from the magic browser uri?
var qm = data.lastIndexOf( '?' );
if ( qm > -1 )
var str = data.substr( qm + 1, data.length );
var divider = str.lastIndexOf( ',' );
if ( divider > -1 )
table = str.substr( 0, divider );
guid = str.substr( divider + 1, str.length );
table = str;
if ( ( table.length > 0 ) && ( guid.length > 0 ) )
// If we're a library, we want metadata filters
var filters = null;
if ( table == "library" )
filters = new Array(