Scott Gelder: Singer, Blogger, Dentist
2009-03-25 03:17
My friend Scott Gelder has launched a new version of his dentistry office's web site, imbuing it with a more personal touch, including a web log--unusual, in my experience, for a business of this type and size.
Head over and see what you think. I happen to like sites that are at once professional and casual. In fact, I'm including a second link to an orthopedist whose site also reflects his personality.
Is Scott a good singer? Yes, excellent, and a helluva entertainer. Is he a good blogger? Good enough, and he'll get better with experience. My advice to any professional who also blogs is, "what do I want my clients talking to me about (or not)?". Is he a good dentist?
Maybe you should find out.
and, for comparison,