Link Catch-up
2006-11-26 15:38
Here are some still-functioning links of things that caught my eye over the last month or so.
First, this is just very funny:
BOFH: When non-IT people make IT decisions
Weird and Absurd
Man with 10-year erection may not get his cash <--Weird
Georgia mom seeks ban on Harry Potter <--Absurd.
Woman kicked off plane for breast-feeding baby <--Absurd.
Chilean boy born with fetus in his stomach <--Weird.
Science and Technology
Pregnant fossil found tucked under table
Radiation-resistant microbe reveals secrets
Scientists put shrimp on a treadmill <--Awesome!
Windows XP update delayed <--I'm in no rush to upgrade to Vista. This is one reason why. XP will be supported at least this long.
'Dilbert' creator recovers from rare disorder <--Fascinating
Sea urchin teaches us genetic lessons
Motorola to Acquire Good Technology <--Well, that's better than acquiring poor technology.
Searching for 'our alien origins' <--I wasn't sure if this belonged in science or weird. If verified, it's astonishing.
Scientists decode Neanderthal genes <--I just recently read another science article claiming skeletal evidence of Neanderthal/Cro-Magnon interbreeding. I think the genetic evidence trumps the skeletal.
Just news
Workers Dissatisfied with Workplace Communication <--Interesting and useful
Object off Alaska coast may be WWII sub
Thief tricked by David Copperfield pleads guilty <--"Okay hand over your money. And no tricks!"
Roman shipwreck delights archaeologists
Sponsored surveys: corrupt or completely corrupt?
A Natural History of the @ sign <--This is really interesting, if you're into this kind of thing.
Magic Sand <--Very cool
Magic of David Chesterfield <--Very funny!
David Blaine - Bill Change <--Astonishing!
Several violin performances (and one viola). The Milstein is incredible.
Leonid Kogan playing Paganini
Violist William Primrose playing Paganini Badly synchronized sound, however.
Young Itzhak Perlman playing Vieniaswky
Nathan Milstein playing Paganini This was his own suite of variations.
Jack Benny, of whom Isaac Stern once said, "When Jack puts the violin to his shoulder, he looks like any great violinist. It's too bad he has to start playing." (Benny could actually play quite well.)
Jack Benny and Isaac Stern at Carnegie Hall
Jack Benny and Talia Marcus
Jack Benny and Liberace
Jack Benny and Gisele MacKenzie
And a bonus. Richard Nixon performing his own piano composition.
Richard Nixon "Piano Concerto #1"