Curated Good News 2014-07-14
2014-07-14 06:32
Back at it, after a week-long lapse!
India’s “Plastic Man” Turns Litter Into Paved Roads Rajagopalan Vasudevan has a method for turning plastic trash into a partial replacement for bitumen in asphalt. In other words, reuse the unrecyclable plastic for roads!
Smelling Farts is Healthy It’s a real study, with real implications, especially for the world of stand up comedy. And for preventing or reversing mitochondrial damage. I’m not sure which is more important.
Colbie Caillat Is Tired of Being Photoshopped This is just outside of what I call news, but it’s a good story with a lovely video, and it made me feel good that my wife doesn’t wear makeup.
Daily TED Talk
Stella Young: I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much ‘Stella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn’t, she’d like to make clear, automatically turn her into a noble inspiration to all humanity. In this very funny talk, Young breaks down society's habit of turning disabled people into “inspiration porn.”’